Practice Exams

Real estate practice exams that include full explanations for each question

Our practice exams cover all the topics required for the exam and include full explanations for each question.


Easily review all of the terms you need to know for the NY real estate exam.

Our flashcards are simple and will help you memorize those important words that you can’t remember.

Master Math Prep

Review important real estate math concepts for your test.

Be Prepared To Answer Real Estate Exam Math Questions With RELNY's Math Master Prep

RELNY Real Estate Exam Prep

The best way to prepare for your New York Real Estate Exam

Kristen Bacorn - RELNY Salesperson 77hr Course

Learn Real Estate From Kristen Bacorn

Kristen Bacorn, our NYS Licensed Real Estate Instructor, has educated over 200,000 New York real estate salespersons and brokers. Her real estate salesperson classes in New York are considered to be “an educational experience” where you retain the information needed to pass the 77hr NYS real estate salesperson licensing exam.

Kristen has a Masters Degree from Harvard University, and has been teaching for 20 years. She makes herself readily available to all of our RELNY students to make sure all questions are answered correctly.

Study Wherever You Go!

Our real estate exam prep course is designed to be used on any device. You can use our practice materials on your desktop, laptop, tablet, or phone.